Top Page > About "TAHEEBO NFD" > Commonly confused trees
Twenty-odd years ago, TAHEEBO JAPAN introduced Japan to Tabebuia avellanedae under the name TAHEEBO (meaning “tree of godly grace”) and began producing and selling “TAHEEBO NFD” , a tea made from the tree’s inner bark.
TAHEEBO JAPAN applies the name “TAHEEBO” exclusively to Tabebuia avellanedae, a single purplish-red-flowering species that is indigenous to a specific region* of the Amazon basin in South America. Tabebuia avellanedae specimens growing in this specific region differ from trees of the same and similar species in other regions, and their inclusion of the beneficial ingredient “NFD” has been scientifically verified. This natural tree truly deserves its name meaning “tree of godly grace”.Tabebuia avellanedae as seen from above the jungle canopy*TAHEEBO JAPAN has not made the location of the harvesting region
public in order to protect the valuable natural resources found there from
indiscriminate and illegal logging. Instead, the company refers to the
area as the “specific region” .Numerous species in the family Bignoniaceae can be found worldwide, and there are at least 100 species belonging to the genus Tabebuia throughout the Americas. Trees belonging to the genus Tabebuia have names such as ipe, ippe, ippi, pau’d arco, and uba in Brazil and produce a variety of white, yellow, pink, red, purple, and orange flowers. Generally speaking, they can be broadly classified into three categories based on the color of their flowers (white, yellow, or purple), purple being the most numerous with more than 50 species. Among the purple-flowering variety, species such as impetiginosa closely resemble avellanedae.Purplish-red flowers of the species avellanedaeIn recent years, teas derived from trees resembling the species avellanedae (similar products) have been marketed as “Taheebo tea” or “Ipe tea” . For most of these products, the supplier of the basic ingredient is incapable of even selecting trees according to their species.
Once these similar products began circulating in the marketplace, the name “TAHEEBO” seems to have been broadened to include trees resembling the genus Tabebuia, and its definition became vague and ambiguous.
But the tree known as the “tree of godly grace” should be one that benefits people, and there should be evidence of those benefits.Copyright(c)2002-2013 by TAHEEBO JAPAN CO.,LTD All rights reserved.
2018年4月15日 星期日
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